Monday, 8 February 2016

suman microsoft stacks

Implement Stack in Array: 

/// <summary> /// Stack implementation using array /// </summary> 
public class Stack      {          private const int MaxSize = 10;          private object[] _items = new object[MaxSize];          private int _currentIndex = -1;          public Stack()          {          } 

/// <summary> /// Push operation 
/// </summary>        public void Push(object element)          {              if (_currentIndex >= MaxSize - 1)              {                  throw new InvalidOperationException("Stack is full");              }              _currentIndex++;              _items[_currentIndex] = element;          } 
        public object Pop()          {              if (IsEmpty())              {                  throw new InvalidOperationException("No elements in stack");              }              object element = _items[_currentIndex];              _items[_currentIndex] = null;              _currentIndex--;              return element;          } 
          public object Peek()          {              if (IsEmpty())              {                  throw new InvalidOperationException("No elements in stack");              }              return _items[_currentIndex];          } 
          public bool IsEmpty()          {              if (_currentIndex < 0)              {                  return true;              }              else              {                  return false;              }          }      } 
Implement Stack in Linklist 

   public class Node      {          public int Data { getset; }          public Node Next { getset; }      }           Node current = null;          int nodecount = 0;           public void Push(int value)          {              Node newNode = new Node();              newNode.Data = value;               Node prev = current;              if (prev == null)              {                  current = newNode;                  prev = current;              }              else              {                  prev = current;                  current = newNode;                  current.Next = prev;              }              nodecount++;          }           public void POP()          {              current = current.Next;              nodecount--;          }           public void peek()          {              Console.WriteLine(current.Data);          }           public void IsEmpty()          {              if (nodecount==0)                  Console.WriteLine("Empty");          } 
Queue using array 

public class Queue      {          private int[] data;          private int size;          private int front = -1;          private int back = 0;          private int count = 0;           public Queue()          {              size = 10;              data = new int[size];          }           public Queue(int size)          {              this.size = size;              data = new int[size];          }           public bool IsEmpty()          {              return count == 0;          }           public bool IsFull()          {              return count == size;          } 
          public void Add(int i)          {              if (IsFull())                  throw new ApplicationException("Queue full");              else              {                 count++;                  data[back++ % size] = i;              }          }          public int Remove()          {              if (IsEmpty())                  throw new ApplicationException("Queue empty");              else              {                  count--;                  return data[++front % size];              }          }          public int Head()          {              if (IsEmpty())              {                  throw new ApplicationException("Queue empty");              }              else                  return data[(front + 1) % size];          } 
Infix to Postfix conversion using Stack 

/// <summary>         /// Convert an Infix Experession to Postfix Expression         /// </summary> public static void InfixToPostFix()         {             string exp = "a+b*(c^d-e)^(f+g*h)-i";             char[] infix = exp.ToCharArray();               //Stack to maintain operators and braces             char[] stack = new char[infix.Length];             int top = -1;             int index = -1;               for (int i = 0; i < infix.Length; i++)             {                 // If the scanned character is an operand, add it to output.                 if (isOperand(infix[i]))                     infix[++index] = infix[i];                 // If the scanned character is an ‘(‘, push it to the stack.                 else if (infix[i] == '(')                     stack[++top] = infix[i];              //  If the scanned character is an ‘)’, pop and output from the stack                  // until an ‘(‘ is encountered.                 else if (infix[i] == ')')                 {                     while (top != -1 && stack[top] != '(')                     {                         infix[++index] = stack[top--];                     }                       if (top != -1)                     {                         //Remove '(' from stack                         top--;                     }                 }                 else // an operator is encountered                 {                     while (top != -1 && Prec(infix[i]) <= Prec(stack[top]))                         //Pop from stack                         infix[++index] = stack[top--];                       //push into the stack                     stack[++top] = infix[i];                   }             }               // pop all the operators from the stack             while (top != -1)                 infix[++index] = stack[top--];                          //Print only string to the index (we have removed braces so strng will get short now)             Console.WriteLine(new string(infix).Substring(0, index+1));         }           // A utility function to check if the given character is operand         private static bool isOperand(char ch)         {             return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z');         }           // A utility function to return precedence of a given operator         // Higher returned value means higher precedence         private static int Prec(char ch)         {             switch (ch)             {                 case '+':                 case '-':                     return 1;                   case '*':                 case '/':                     return 2;                   case '^':                     return 3;             }             return -1;         } 

// <summary>         /// Evaluate postfix Expression         /// </summary>         public static void EvaluatePostfix()         {             string exp = "231*+9-";             char[] postfix = exp.ToCharArray();                          //Stack to maintain evaluation result             int[] stack = new int[postfix.Length];             int top = -1;             int index = -1;               for (int i = 0; i < postfix.Length; i++)             {                 // If the scanned character is an operand or number,                 // push it to the stack.                 if (postfix[i] >= '0' && postfix[i] <= '9')                     stack[++top] = Convert.ToInt32(postfix[i] - '0');                 else                 {                     //pop two values and do operation then push it back                     int val1 = stack[top--];                     int val2 = stack[top--];                       switch (postfix[i])                     {                         case '+':                             stack[++top] = val2 + val1;                             break;                         case '-':                             stack[++top] = val2 - val1;                             break;                         case '*':                             stack[++top] = val2 * val1;                             break;                         case '/':                             stack[++top] = val2 / val1;                             break;                     }                 }             }               Console.WriteLine(stack[top]);         } 

/// <summary>     /// Implement two stacks in an array     /// </summary>     class TwoStack     {         int[] arr = null;         int size;         int top1, top2;           public TwoStack(int n)         {             size = n;             arr = new int[size];             // first stack starting point (from first)             top1 = -1;             //Second stack starting point (From last)             top2 = size;         }           /// <summary>         /// Push value in first/second stack based on flag         /// </summary>         /// <param name="x"></param>         /// <param name="InFirstStack"></param>         public void Push(int x, bool InFirstStack)         {             if (InFirstStack)             {                 if (top1 < top2 - 1)                     arr[++top1] = x;                 else                     Console.WriteLine("Stack Overflow");             }             else             {                 if (top1 < top2 - 1)                     arr[--top2] = x;                 else                     Console.WriteLine("Stack Overflow");             }         }           /// <summary>         /// Pop Value from first/second Stack based on flag         /// </summary>         /// <param name="FromFirstStack"></param>         /// <returns></returns>         public int Pop(bool FromFirstStack)         {             if (FromFirstStack)             {                 if (top1 >= 0)                     return arr[top1--];                 else                 {                     Console.WriteLine("Stack Underflow");                     return -1;                 }             }             else             {                 if (top2 < size)                     return arr[top2++];                 else                 {                     Console.WriteLine("Stack Underflow");                     return -1;                 }             }         } 

/// <summary>         /// Given an array, print the Next Greater Element (NGE) for every element.          /// The Next greater Element for an element x is the first greater element          /// on the right side of x in array.Elements for which no greater element exist,          /// consider next greater element as -1.          /// For the input array [4, 5, 2, 25}, the next greater elements for each element are as follows.         /// 4  -->  5, 5 --> 25, 2 --> 25, 25 --> -1         /// </summary>         public static void NextGreaterElement()         {             int[] arr = { 4, 5, 2, 25 };             int n = arr.Length;               int[] stack = new int[n];             int top = -1;               int element, next;               /* push the first element to stack */             stack[++top] = arr[0];             // iterate for rest of the elements             for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)             {                 next = arr[i];                 if (top != -1)                 {                     // if stack is not empty, then pop an element from stack                     element = stack[top--];                       /* If the popped element is smaller than next, then                          a) print the pair                          b) keep popping while elements are smaller and                          stack is not empty */                     while (element < next)                     {                         Console.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}", element, next);                         if (top == -1)                             break;                           element = stack[top--];                     }                    // If element is greater than next, then push the element back                     if (element > next)                         stack[++top] = element;                 }                 //push next to stack so that we can find  next greater for it                 stack[++top] = next;             }               // After iterating over the loop, the remaining             // elements in stack do not have the next greater             // element, so print -1 for them */             while (top != -1)             {                 element = stack[top--];                 Console.WriteLine("{0} --> -1", element);             }         }   

/// <summary>         /// Print Binary representation of number         /// </summary>         public static void PrintBinaryNumber()         {             int n = 20;             int[] stack = new int[16];             int top = -1;               while (n > 0)             {                 stack[++top] = n % 2;                 n = n / 2;             }               while(top != -1)                 Console.Write(stack[top--]);         } 

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